What is the DUI First Offender Program in Palm Beach County?


I recently helped a DUI client in Palm Beach County enter the first-time offender program successfully. Eligibility depends on factors like a breath test below 0.20, no minors in the car, and no crash involvement. Completing four tasks in two months—20 hours of community service, an online victim impact panel, ignition interlock installation, and DUI school—results in a charge reduction from DUI to reckless driving, with adjudication withheld. However, probation follows, tiered based on breath test results (tier one for below 0.15 and tier two for 0.15 to 0.20), each with distinct conditions.

For Palm Beach County DUI charges and questions about the first-time offender program, contact us through the website below or give us a call.

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After several years as a prosecutor and General Counsel for the Broward County Police Benevolence Association (PBA), Michael White started his own practice focused on protecting individuals accused of crimes.

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